3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

By April 26, 2014 Energy Saving, Your Costs

Your energy bills are rising. In fact, energy bills are rising all over the UK. You might be battling energy price increases by switching providers every year, but that’s a time-consuming task. What if there were easier ways to save money? In fact, there are so many things that you can do to reduce your energy bill – here are three of the easiest:

Install a Smart Energy Meter

If you don’t already have one, now is a great time to install a smart energy meter. These clever little gadgets measure the amount of electricity that you’re using, and give you a clear message about exactly how much money you’re spending on your power. There’s something interesting about switching appliances on and off to see which ones are costing the most to use.

Install New Energy-Efficient Appliances

Of course, it’s not enough to know which appliances are using the most electricity. If some of your appliances are proving not to be energy efficient then you might even save money by buying new. It might not seem cost-effective to spend money on a new cooker, washing machine or tumble dryer when you’ve already got one that works, but if your appliances aren’t energy efficient then you might find that a newer, better rated appliance will actually start saving you money almost as soon as it’s installed. Electricians can even help you to rewire your kitchen so that you can add or move appliances to maximise your space.

Fit New Lighting

Even your lights are costing you money and increasing your electricity bill. We’ve already moved from traditional bulbs to energy-saving lighting, but could you be saving more? LED lights are one of the newest and most effective ways to cut your electricity bill, and if you live in the capital then with the help of electricians in London you could soon have all of your existing light bulbs replaced.

LED lighting has additional benefits – it’s less likely to cause headaches, and LED light bulbs are brighter than their equivalent coil alternatives. That means that you can use less electricity whilst lighting your room even brighter than ever. LED lights can also work with dimmer switches, for mood and ambience, and can be bought in a variety of different colours.

How Can You Reduce Your Electricity Bill?

Small steps are enough to reduce your electricity bill. Installing new appliances, new lighting systems and smart energy meters will initially cost a little money. See your spending as an investment, rather than a cost. Don’t be afraid to call an electrician for professional installation, to guarantee that you’re making the most of your money. Over time, the changes that you’ve made will reduce the amount of money that you’re paying to your energy provider.

Don’t forget to make changes to your habits, as well as your home. Turning off lights when you leave the room, and making sure that you don’t leave appliances, games consoles and TVs on standby, could reduce your electricity bill even further. In addition, it’s best not to charge your gadgets overnight. Remove the plugs from the wall as soon as your phones and tablets are charged. It’s the little things that will make the biggest difference.