It can be difficult to notice certain electrical hazards. Sometimes, you simply wouldn’t think anything of them purely because they’re a part of your everyday routines. It is this lack of awareness, however, that can sometimes prove dangerous. Here, London Electricians have put together a list of potential electrical hazards in the garden. Familiarising yourself with what’s listed below will help you stay safe if you’re working with electricity outside.
Think water
Everyone knows that you shouldn’t mix electricity and water. That’s a pretty fundamental safety that you’ve probably had drilled into you for many, many years. What’s important to remember, though, is just how easy it can be to ignore the elements. While it might not be raining while you work, morning dew and overnight showers are enough to cause problems. Provided you keep any electrical appliances safely covered, and keep a constant eye on water-related hazards, you should reduce your risk of an accident.
Watch your cables
When it comes to lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, and a whole host of other outdoor electrical appliances, it’s essential to keep an eye on your cables. If you’ve got wires running all over the garden, they can be more than just a significant trip hazard. Accidentally damaging these cables because they’re in the way could be extremely dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs. If you’re mowing the lawn, for example, keep the power lead well clear of the area you’re treating. In addition, checking your cables aren’t twisted or tangled together is extremely important; not doing so can lead to potentially dangerous breakages.
Don’t overdo it
A generic point, but one that covers a few different scenarios. Overloading extension cables is a good place to start, as it can cause overloads which, in a dry, grassy garden, could cause something much worse. Also be careful not to leave your equipment running unsupervised. Not only is it strongly advisable to be on-hand in case of any electrical failures, but appliances such as the aforementioned lawn mower and hedge trimmer have the potential to move and cause damage of their own accord.
London Electricians
We’ve kept it simple here, intentionally. It’s important to realise that this doesn’t cover every aspect of electrical safety in the garden – far from it. What we hope to have done, though, is draw your attention to some of the fundamental areas of potential concern. If you’re planning to use any electrical appliances in the garden any time soon (especially as spring is fast approaching), then familiarising yourself with these basics could be extremely useful.
To get in touch with London Electricians, whether you require some standard electrical work to be completed at your home, or it’s an emergency situation, fill out one of our online contact forms. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 020 8728 9179; we hope to hear from you soon!