Why Become an Electrician?

By August 28, 2018 News & Communications

For our latest blog post, we’ll be taking a look at why people become electricians. It’s a subject that we know extremely well, too, as everyone who works here has taken the decision to do exactly that at some point in their lives.

We’ll work through some of the main benefits of being an electrician, reason by reason, in our headings below.

It pays well

Rather than pretend we only work for the sheer enjoyment of it, we’ll be up front from the off. Being an electrician doesn’t generally leave you short. It’s one of the better-paid trades, with UK averages around the £30K mark. It’s also a pretty reliable trade to be in as, no matter where you are or what’s going on in the world, people in this country will always need to call on an electrician now and then.

Generally, it stays interesting

Again, we’re not going to pretend that you’ll never be bored at work. There can’t be too many jobs around about which that can be truthfully said. Your knowledge needs to be good enough that you can apply it to any situation, and herein lies one of our main selling points: every situation is different.

Rarely does one day replicate another when you’re working with electrics. Sure, you might have to carry out a number of similar jobs, but you’ll do it under different circumstances. Such variation both keeps electricians sharp and prevents them from getting bored!

It’s useful beyond the job

The skills you learn as an electrician don’t just ensure you do your job well. They also extend to your personal life, as you’re able to put your skills to great use around your own property. You won’t ever have to worry about calling an emergency electrician out at 3:00 in the morning again. Sure, you might still argue that doing the job yourself is just as bad … but it’s worth having the choice at least.


A great many electricians are self-employed, and have chosen to start their own business. If that’s the kind of thing that appeals to you, then this could well be the industry for you. You’ve got the opportunity to become your own boss, and that’s something that appeals to a large number of people.